Photo de The Tanoh family

The Tanoh family

Kouakou and Nicole dream of seeing the establishment of a transit center for street children in Toumodi. They aspire to create an environment where these children, during their stay, can hear the Good News and be transformed by the grace of God.

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Get to know them

Originally from Ivory Coast, Nicole and Kouakou, parents of two children, were entrepreneurs in the construction sector before leaving everything to serve God. Nicole, driven by a deep love for children, dedicated her time to the organization Makeba, which assists minor girls aged 9 to 12 involved in prostitution. Drawing on their experience and degrees in the fields of education, dietetics, and leadership, they engage with vulnerable children in the streets of Abidjan and Toumodi, as well as with young people.

With a heart eager to see lives transformed by the message of the Good News, the Tanoh family finds great joy in living in community and bringing the hope that inspires them to those they encounter every day.

Their ministry

Kouakou and Nicole serve by educating young people on growth, development, solidarity, compassion, sanctification, deepening of the Christian faith, and mission. They have materialized these efforts by creating small wooden huts for children and developing recreational and sports activities around these small houses. In order to involve the local population more, they have trained volunteers for the mission. Today, they aspire to go further by building a reception center while continuing to dedicate their full time to the ministry.

Vision and dream

Kouakou and Nicole dream of seeing the establishment of a transit center for street children in Toumodi. They aspire to create an environment where these children, during their stay, can hear the Good News and be transformed by the grace of God.

Join them and contribute to the advancement of the Gospel in Ivory Coast as they seek to continue their ministry.