Photo de The Modimakwane family

The Modimakwane family

Barnard and Ivy's ministry epitomizes their shared vision of empowering the church to expand its global reach while nurturing the next generation of missionaries. Their collaborative efforts blend strategic mobilization with personal mentorship and care, embodying a holistic approach to missions

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Get to know them

Barnard and Ivy, a couple united in 2024, embody a shared commitment to global missions. Their paths crossed on the mission field, with both serving on OM ships and in Africa. South African native Barnard discovered God’s love at Pentecostal Holiness Church, Shammah Worship, and grew his leadership skills during his 16-year service with OM. The five years onboard Doulos and Logos Hope ships equipped him with valuable global insights. He later transitioned to mission training and mobilization. Ivy, originally from Taiwan, a journalist by training, explored 19 countries with OM Ships, deepening her faith and commitment to God’s work. Her time in Africa led her to serve with OM Lake Tanganyika in Zambia for four years, fostering connections across cultures and supporting missionaries from the majority world.

Their ministry

Together, they dream of a South African church passionate about global missions, sending workers to unreached nations. Ivy, a recent graduate of Fuller Seminary, and Barnard, leveraging his strategic expertise, are dedicated to empowering missionaries to reach the ends of the earth. Based in South Africa, they each bring unique strengths to foster a mission-driven community. Barnard, an inspiring leader, mobilizes the church through prayer and evangelism training, providing crucial insights into the world’s least-reached peoples. His involvement in a local pastors’ fellowship enables him to tailor his support to various churches’ specific needs and capacities. Ivy, known for her compassionate heart, offers member care for short-term workers and missionary kids. As a mentor at the training base, she’s affectionately called the ‘big sister’ by many missionary children. She listens empathetically and guides these young individuals in navigating their multicultural identities, fostering holistic growth.

Vision and dreams

Together, Barnard and Ivy’s ministry epitomizes their shared vision of empowering the church to expand its global reach while nurturing the next generation of missionaries. Their collaborative efforts blend strategic mobilization with personal mentorship and care, embodying a holistic approach to missions

Join them by pledging a donation and be part of the Gospel progress in South Africa as they want to continue serving the Lord.