Their story
Originally from Paris, Victor grew up with the dream of one day being an engineer and researcher. After graduating in engineering, he decided to spend a year studying the Word of God and theology at the Institut Biblique de Genève in Geneva, Switzerland. This fostered in his heart the desire to serve God and the local Church. He had the privilege of serving in Annecy while resuming his doctoral studies in research. It was at this time that Victor met Naomi, a social worker, at the church. After obtaining his doctorate, he worked as a researcher at the CNRS in Annecy, while continuing his pastoral training at the Geneva Bible Institute as a bi-vocational pastor in a local church in Annecy. Victor was able to reconcile his professional commitments to support his family while training as a trainee pastor, notably in preaching, youth group animation with Naomi, discipleship, pastoral accompaniment, church council participation and setting up a council of elders. Together with Naomi and their newborn son, they have decided as a family to take this step of faith and enter full-time ministry by completing another pastoral internship at Durance International Church in Manosque starting in September 2024.

Their ministry
Manosque is a town in the Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur region, 45 minutes from Aix-en-Provence, with over 25,000 inhabitants from all over the world. Indeed, following the ITER project, the largest international scientific project on nuclear fusion, which began some 20 years ago, engineers are flocking from all over the world, particularly from Asia. With the Durance International Church, established in 2021 by Brad and Catherine Dickson, the community is highly multicultural, with members from China, South Korea, Philippines… Victor will be involved in preaching, accompanying members, teaching teenagers and training future leaders. He will also have outreaching occasions through a church association that offers French language courses, particularly to wives whose husbands work on the ITER project.

Vision and dream
Victor and Naomi, as a family, dream of being able to serve the local Church in France, maybe stay in Manosque, and to see believers cleave to Christ by practicing godliness, living the Gospel in every area of their lives, and proclaiming the Gospel through their actions and words in order to make disciples who make disciples.