Get to know them
Originally from a middle-class Christian family in West Africa, Bulus* struggled with a delinquent lifestyle during his childhood. However, in 1995, he had a life-changing encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ and became deeply involved and committed to the activities of his local church. Despite having a previous career in business, he responded to God’s call for missions by enrolling in and graduating from a School of Missions and Cross Cultural Studies in West Africa, where many unreached peoples, particularly Muslims, reside. In 2002, he married Mariamu*, from the same country of origin, and together they dedicated their lives to sharing the gospel, planting churches, and discipling people in 20 villages.
Bulus* later assumed a leadership role with Go International. It was during a workshop on unreached groups in Southeast Asia that the Lord burdened their hearts to reach the Muslims of South Asia with the gospel. In 2014, Go International sent them to a country in South Asia as a Social Worker, leveraging Bulus*’s Master’s Degree in Social Work. While identifying, mobilizing, and launching social and economic development programs in collaboration with urban poor and needy communities in the capital city of their adopted country, he aims to be fully engaged in discipleship and evangelism in this sensitive region, where Christians represent less than 0.5% of the population.

Their ministry
South Asia is home to around 1.5 billion people who have never heard the Good News, making it the largest unreached region in the world. Bulus* and Mariamu* are engaged in a highly sensitive ministry of evangelism and discipleship within their community, including neighbors and friends, in addition to their work in the project area. They conduct discreet discipleship sessions where individuals are led to Christ, and other Christians join for Bible study. These disciples, in turn, quietly invite their Muslim neighbors who are seeking the Truth. Being a witness among the majority Muslim population in South Asia presents challenges, but it’s also incredibly fascinating for Bulus* and Mariamu*. They illuminate every aspect of society through the practical love of Christ demonstrated in social work, evangelism, and discipleship, ultimately leading to church planting and offering Eternal hope and life in Christ.

Their vision and dream
Bulus* and Mariamu* dream to see thousands of healthy churches composed of disciples of Jesus coming from the muslims background established throughout South Asia.
Consider partnering with them and become a vital part of the Gospel’s progress in South Asia as they would like to continue serving God.