Who are we ?

We Support Mission is a non-profit 1901 association designed to be a ‘bridge’ between workers and donors in the French-speaking world and beyond. Its use is 100% free for the workers.

The need is great, and so is the harvest. In 2010, over 2 billion people had never heard of Jesus. Nowadays, in 2023, that number has risen to 3 billion. Given the mandate that Jesus has given us, we are collectively responsible for reaching these people through obedience and love.

As a non-profit 1901 association, Philippe Hui and Jonathan Kapitaniuk, co-founders of We Support Mission, have the following objectives:

  • To support workers in the harvest and provide them with a communication tool.
  • To mobilize everyone to the Lord’s mission, especially by loving, helping, and serving the workers so that they can be blessings in turn.
  • To fulfill the mission and mandate given by our Lord Jesus.

After several years in ministry worldwide, Philippe and Jonathan want to serve workers and missionary organizations with the diverse gifts the Lord has given them.

With a development phase ahead, you can contact the WSM team for any questions, queries, or other inquiries!

So that one day, the 3 billion may hear the Good News of Jesus.

Philippe Hui and Jonathan Kapitaniuk
We Support Mission

Our vision


Equipping workers with a platform to share their calling, ministry and supporting them as they lack assistance and are unable to meet their basic needs.

James 2:15-16

If a brother or sister is naked and lacks daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace, be warmed and filled,’ without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that?


Mobilising everyone to love, help, and serve the workers so that they can, in turn, be blessings.

3 John 1:5-6

Beloved, you act faithfully in what you do for the brothers, even for strangers, who have testified to your love before the church. You will do well to provide for their journey in a manner worthy of God.


Accomplishing together and fulfilling the mandate to be witnesses to the nations in all areas of activity.

Matthieu 28:18-19

Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.’

They recommend
We Support Mission

We Support Mission is a promising initiative dedicated to serving a generation that responds positively to the beautiful mandate entrusted to us!

Finally, We Support Mission is a remarkable tool that connects those who are passionate about going with those who are passionate about serving the Lord!

« How will they believe in Jesus if they have not heard about him? And how will they hear about him if no one supports those who proclaim him? »
It is to answer these questions that We Support Mission was born and invites us to support the workers in the Lord’s mission!
We Support Mission ? A relevant and intelligent service that turns a missionary and a partner into a united duo in the same battle, a tool I would have liked to benefit from 40 years ago…

We Support Mission encourages the following missionary organisations

Being a free of charge service and platform,

We Support Mission would be delighted to serve and equip you with your profile.